Back in the summer of 2019, the Pentagon Plastics Group purchased the neighbouring unit to their existing factory with the plan of expanding our services across both sites.
Unit 4, of Blatchford Road, Horsham being the original home of Pentagon Plastics Ltd and Unit 15 being home to Phoenix Engineering 2009 Ltd, a business which Pentagon acquired in 2016. The group re-branded in May of this year with a new logo, website and general feel enabling better marketing of the services provided.
Six months on from completion we are now in the throws of installing new factory-based offices in Unit 15 for what will become home to the Tooling Division of the Group. Currently the Toolmaking services span both sites but in early 2020 we will be bringing our skilled engineers and toolroom together.
This is no small task as we look at best utilisation of manufacturing space and best sighting of our extensive toolroom machinery which includes CNC’s, Lathes,Mills, Grinders, Wire and Spark Eroders just for starters. Pentagon are keen to provide our engineering team with a bright and well laid out working environment while ensuring ease of workflow throughout the facility.
This transition of bringing all tooling services under one roof will improve visibility of tooling work through the organisation and enhance the flow of on-site tool manufacture, repair, modification and servicing. As one of the few UK moulding companies to provide full toolmaking services it is vital that we develop our Toolroom to best cater for customer demand and help us to sustain a high standard of mould tool manufacture.

With space then freed up within Unit 4 there will be scope for the group to grow the Plastic Injection Moulding services and look to increase capacity within the Moulding Division going forward.
As a business we now find ourselves at the start of a new chapter of growth and expansion to our services and our team.