As we draw to the end of what can only be described as a crazy year, the Pentagon team are looking forward to a very well earnt breakover Christmas. Pentagon was fortunate enough to operate all the way through both UK lockdowns, but this was not without its challenges for the business and our staff.
Fully recognising that we are in a fortunate position to be operating fully throughout when other industries have had to close completely and some, sadly for good leaving business owners and employees in a very frightening place. While staying open there have been challenges in managing the expectations, emotions, and welfare of our staff through the ongoing changes and has at times presented hurdles.
Ensuing our vast workplace was COVID Safe meant that our Health and Safety team have had their work cut out to ensure infection risk is kept low for our team and any visitors or contractors to the site. We were one of the many manufacturing firms that had a spot check from HSE to ensure that we were operating within the manufacturing guidelines for COVID and had a glowing review.
Due to the nature of our plastic injection moulding services at the start of the pandemic demand for the medical products that we manufacture was high. Over time customer stock levels have built up and are now able to be maintained at a more manageable level. Demand for production is now at a more consistent level throughout the industry sectors that we serve albeit it at lower volumes than we usually supply. Aviation on the other hand dropped off our production lines almost immediately at the outset of the pandemic and as travel bans remain in place, we are still seeing very little movement in this sector.
Throughout 2020 it has been very sad for us to see some of the companies that we have worked with suffer and some long-term contacts having been made redundant from their roles. We are proud of the collective efforts and commitment of our workforce as they have supported both one another and the business throughout this period.
As we begin to see production and tooling orders tail off in the usual manner on the lead up to Christmas, and our machines fall a little quieter, it allows us time to reflect on all of the obstacles that we have overcome this year.
The realisation that the impossible became possible (maybe all for the wrong reasons) but the ability to adapt, think fast, change, and pull together has been nothing short of overwhelming. Thankfully, our business model remains resilient and unchanged despite all that 2020 has given us.
2021 may indeed be the year of the Ox but we also hope that it too will be the year of the ‘Bounce Back’ for all industries and individuals. With news of the Pfizer vaccine receiving approval we hope that this is the first of many more positive steps for us all.