The busy days of industry trade events had seemed like a bit of a distant memory until last week, when we returned to the NEC Birmingham and took our stand at Interplas 2021.
The show, originally due to take place in 2020 was a much-anticipated event for the plastics industry. Following many months of disconnect and Teams Meetings the opportunity to meet face to face could not come soon enough.
Show organisers had done an outstanding job in ensuring COVID safety measures were adhered to allowing exhibitors and visitors to feel secure in mixing in an exhibition environment.
Interplas is a major three-day event offering fabulous conference speakers, networking opportunities and a wealth of exhibitors within the plastics industry.
Our stand was dressed in a considered manor to showcase our technical injection moulding and toolmaking capabilities, ensuring that visitors could see our full scope of service.
Although the odd’s seemed stacked against us for the show with the onset of the country wide petrol shortage, we were delighted to engage with some interesting new prospects, valued existing customers and suppliers. The three-day event was not short of conversation and much optimism for the coming months and years for the plastics industry.